Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Second Conditionals Videos with Exercise

English Second Conditionals Videos with Exercise We hope everyone has been enjoying our new animated video on English second conditional. This English construction is a little difficult, but its important for advancing your abilities.We use the the second conditional to talk about unreal or imaginary situations, as you will see in the video below.Watch the video, and then see if you can complete the exercises. You can watch more of our English videos here.Fill in the gaps below. Youll use a verb in the past simple for the first part, followed by a modal verb in the second part of the sentence.1. If you ___  more time, you ____ be able to study more English.2.  If you _____ more, you ____ be healthier.3. If I ___ more money, I ______ work so much.4. If you ____ more money, you ____ have to work so much.5. If he ____ a lot of English classes, his English _____ be great.Complete the sentences below.1. If I had a million dollars, _____________________.2. If you were smart, ____________________.3. ________________________, I would be happy.4. _________________________, I would travel the world.5. _________________________, I wouldnt study English.Now invent two second conditional sentences of your own.  Write your answers in comments below, and well respond. Ana Thanks Sean Hwang 1. If you _had__ more time, you _would_ be able to study more English.2. If you _were more, you would be healthier.3. If I had more money, I would not work so much.4. If you had more money, you would not have to work so much.5. If he attended a lot of English classes, his English could be great.Complete the sentences below.1. If I had a million dollars, _I would leave a long vacation_.2. If you were smart, _you would not make that stupid decision.3. _If you stayed here/did not leave_, I would be happy.4. _If I got rottery__, I would travel the world.5. _If I had been born in the US_, I wouldn’t study English. LOIEnglish SeanGood work. Question #5 I think that would is a better option. We use could to suggest possibility. For exa mple: If he studied English more, he COULD get a better job. It is a possibility. In the sentence: If he attended a lot of English classes, his English would be great. (seems to make more sense)Question #1: I would TAKE a long vacation Question #4: If I won the LOTTERY, I would travel the world. Ilka Fill in the gaps below. You’ll use a verb in the past simple for the first part, followed by a modal verb in the second part of the sentence.1. If you had more time, you would be able to study more English.2. If you exercised more, you would be healthier.3. If I had more money, I wouldnt work so much.4. If you hade more money, you wouldnt have to work so much.5. If he had a lot of English classes, his English would be great.Complete the sentences below.1. If I had a million dollars, I would buy four good houses.2. If you were smart, you would study more now.3. If you gave me more attention, I would be happy.4. If I had money and time, I would travel the world.5. If I was born in Ame rica, I wouldn’t study English.Now invent two second conditional sentences of your own. If I could, I would go on vacation.If I could change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe. LOIEnglish Excellent Ilka. I love your last sentence, is that yours or a quote from a song? Ilka Thanks! In reality, I didnt invent the last sentence just remembered the song!

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